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Career Spotlight: Dr Sonja Ann Jones - Starbird Association

Dr. Sonja Ann Jones

Tell us about your career:

I’m a Senior Sales Engineer with Bay Dynamics as well as a professor of Mathematics, Statistics, Information Technology and Business at California Miramar University.  I work in cyber analytics and big data.

What do you need to enter and/or be successful this kind of career?

You need quite a lot of experience in business, sales and technology. Understanding business use cases and how technology solves these use cases is a requirement to making effective decisions on the analytics that are presented.  In addition,  it is essential to have  an extensive list of technology skills.  It is also important to know many technology products as well as understand the integration of these products with each other and with the business.

What is your educational background:

I have a BS in Mathematics, a BS in Statistics, an MBA in Entrepreneurship, and a DBA (Doctorate of Business Administration).

What do you think youth should do to prepare for a career like this?

Learn as much as you can technically and also with your business skills. Also continue reading the following topics: business intelligence, data warehousing, big data, analytics, security, Artificial Intelligence etc. Also it is key to learn as many products as possible.

Do you have any personal reflections on your career.  

I have over 25 years of experience in this field and I am still trying to solve the same problem I have been trying to solve since I got into the field. The problem is how to get data and information to the users in a quick, accurate way so that they can make business decisions off it to put their company in the best position financially and also to be competitive with the market place.   Over the years, technology has allowed it to radically transform to be able to store more information, get it quicker and also get the data everywhere with more robust visualization.