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Career Spotlight: Coffee Scientist - Starbird Association

In the spirit of National Coffee Day, our career spotlight is Coffee Scientist.

Coffee Scientist… Who knew this was actually a thing? This is not the job your favorite barista has at the local coffee shop.

So what does a Coffee Scientist do?
It’s a specific kind of chemist. Using chemistry, a Coffee Scientist discovers how to make coffee taste great.

What does a Coffee Scientist do?

It all depends on where you want to play in this wonderful chemistry coffee lab.

  • Water filtration and its effect on coffee
  • Studying the biophysical effects of coffee on the human body
  • The botany of the coffee plant
  • The agriculture of coffee

What can I study if I want to be a Coffee Scientist?

  • Chemistry
  • Food Science
  • Botany
  • Agriculture
  • Data Science

There’s even a Coffee Science Certificate available.

Are there Coffee Scientist jobs?

According to LinkedIn*, there are 3000+ people in the United States with the title Coffee Scientist.

*The people search on the term “coffee scientist” was conducted on 10.2.18